
grand_speckle t1_je24sqi wrote

Reply to comment by cassinonorth in Be careful out there by Snoo_35864

Not gonna lie ticks/Lyme’s is a huge reason I do like a reverse-hibernation, where I stay largely indoors in the summer & do almost all my hiking/outdoor stuff in this area during every other season lol


grand_speckle t1_j6bpdlz wrote

Reply to comment by MoveWorldly in NJ Cat owners by biiillyyyyyy

Oh I just take a bunch of unused ones right from the store and keep them. Then I use the ones my fruit/veggies were in as I empty them out over time. Had no problems at all like that


grand_speckle t1_j68nwzc wrote

I use the plastic bags that are for fruits and vegetables now. Our store has slightly larger/stronger ones for leafy veggies specifically and I like to take a handful of those while I’m shopping to use


grand_speckle t1_j2cdbjm wrote

Yeah as a cooler weather lover I’ve been thinking about this for a while now actually. The weather is one among a few reasons why one day soonish I will most likely end up moving.

There will definitely be stuff I miss about NJ (mainly some friends and family) but I’m ready for a change in scenery , both literally and figuratively


grand_speckle t1_iy68s0x wrote

Yeah personally I don’t mind shoveling and snow removal , but I do hear you on the aftermath. That pollution-infused slush mixture isn’t fun for sure

Still though I think the beauty, serenity, and fun snow brings outweighs all that. Especially since it’s slowly becoming more and more rare these days


grand_speckle t1_is3xzj3 wrote

Your best bet staying in NJ would be to get as close to Stokes State Forest/Del Water Gap area as you can. Basically, you just want to get as far away from NYC as possible which in North NJ means as West/Northwest as possible. Then just choose a park in the area and a clear night