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grand_speckle t1_iy4hdjy wrote

Honestly I kinda hope we get a little as crazy it sounds. I like a bit of snow . Wouldn’t be too surprised if we didn’t though on account of recent increasingly mild winters and the purchase of snow gear lol


chaosperfect t1_iy4qhkv wrote

"recent mild winters" seems to be a continuing trend, as do 3 month long extreme heatwaves and drought. hm.


beowulf92 t1_iy4u23w wrote

Nothing to see there! Keep moving along.. look a new iPhone!


grand_speckle t1_iy4zrac wrote

Yup climate change is what i was getting at there. Don’t get me started on those god awful summer heatwaves lmao they’re miserable. I remember I used to look forward to summer, not so much anymore


howd_he_get_here t1_iy5h2s6 wrote

Yessirree, thems sure is a mighty oddly biggly wiggly coweenkydink 👨‍🌾


VaMoInNj t1_iy4m49b wrote

I don't remember last year as much, but 2 years ago the winter was flipping awful.

I was working in logistics management at the time and it was a complete shit show trying to get anything moving because of the weather.


Thromkai t1_iydicu5 wrote

You might be remembering a February more so than a November/December.


LaNaranja315 t1_iy4rvik wrote

It's not crazy. Some of us love snow! Winter without snow is just depressing.


grand_speckle t1_iy51mlc wrote

Agreed! I like winter both with or without snow but having at least some snow definitely makes it better in my opinion


LaNaranja315 t1_iy5fzxn wrote

Nothing like sitting inside with a hot drink, cozy pajamas, a couple candles burning and Christmas decorations on while it snows outside. I'm also a big sucker for walking around early in the morning or after dark when it's snowing and absolutely no one else is outside. So peaceful and relaxing.


LemurCat04 t1_iy521g2 wrote

I like a bit of snow. I do not like winters like 2010 when I had a five foot drift in front of my front door, which already 5 feet off the ground.


always_polite t1_iy64t9v wrote

It’s beautiful when it falls and it’s beautiful to look out. It’s horrible to shovel and clean and 2 days later it looks like shit


grand_speckle t1_iy68s0x wrote

Yeah personally I don’t mind shoveling and snow removal , but I do hear you on the aftermath. That pollution-infused slush mixture isn’t fun for sure

Still though I think the beauty, serenity, and fun snow brings outweighs all that. Especially since it’s slowly becoming more and more rare these days