
greenmachine11235 t1_jb7fim1 wrote

I seem to recall seeing something a year or two ago talking about how chronic inflammation was linked to depression. So maybe the link isn't depression leads to inflammation but rather inflammation leads to depression


greenmachine11235 t1_jadngkg wrote

Reminds me of the time my aunt visited for the first time in years and put a heaping spoonful of grilling salt in her coffee. My dad loved to grill and kept a big jar of salt on the counter for that with a spoon in it. My aunt visited and after making coffee assumed it was sugar and mixed a spoonful into her coffee and got a huge surprise when she drank her cup of salt.


greenmachine11235 t1_jad8ud0 wrote

There's always a risk in new tech. There was a risk developing the internal combustion engine (see climate issues), there was a risk in developing the computer chip (see guided weaponry), and others but just those two examples fundamentally altered human society for the better. The argument that new tech has risks so it should not be explored is stupid, without new tech humanity stagnate with no hope of solving the problems facing the world today.


greenmachine11235 t1_j6dcn8z wrote

Safety requirements have risen. Cars are required to survive higher speed crashes with less injury to passengers which means more air bags and stronger construction. Then added tech plays a role, a rear camera by itself doesn't weigh a lot but add supporting bracketry, wire harnesses, and the computer power to render it and you get a few pounds multiply that over every new piece of tech and it adds up.


greenmachine11235 t1_j5v8sz0 wrote


greenmachine11235 t1_j54352k wrote

First IoT is internet of things, cars and related tech don't count and while I agree having networked devices in the home usually is unneeded, smart offline devices are far better, they run more efficiently and often preform they're function better. As for the backup cam, you're an idiot to think that's a good thing. It's like saying that a car is better because it has no mirrors, a backup cam adds vision and removes blind spots, you literally lose zero function by adding it.


greenmachine11235 t1_j3rmb49 wrote

To emphasize this is not a new physical type of motor rather it's a new mathematical control model applied to the electronic control system controlling a DC motor.

The second point I question with this is the 22% stat. Given the emphasis on PID control I'm thinking they're 'typical' electric motor is one with a control system where they just give full continuous power which is not realistic, I don't think I've ever encountered a motor in any application without some form of control on it. Motors always slowly step up their voltage using PID or another control scheme, not doing so add huge stresses to parts and wastes energy so they're 22% is likely much much less when compared to real applications.


greenmachine11235 t1_j2eimzz wrote

The benefits of 3d printing is you can take raw materials to orbit and create a structure that couldn't exist in 1g conditions with no or little waste. CNC milling creates lots of waste as shavings and chips that are hard to reform into usable materials.


greenmachine11235 t1_izhnazf wrote

The focus of cover crops isn't carbon sequestration its to prevent run off which is a hugely damaging problem for bodies of water especially when the runoff is highly fertilized land used for agriculture. If the cover crop has some carbon sequestration effects then great its an extra bonus but its not the primary purpose of the crop.


greenmachine11235 t1_itaulka wrote

My point is restoring wildlands by introducing an invasive species is asking for trouble. I was using horses in the American west as an example of a species extinct in an area for 11000 years being reintroduced and the negative effect it eventually had.


greenmachine11235 t1_itaalzi wrote

I question the how environmentally helpful it actually is to reintroduce a species that has been gone for thousands of years. Lets use horses as an example, they went extinct in north America about 12,000 years ago about the same time as bison in the UK, they were reintroduced by the Europeans and now they are a significant environmental problem in the American South-West. I have to wonder what is the difference between introducing a species that has been gone for thousands of generations of local wild life and introducing a species that was never there.
