
grizgrin75 t1_ja3d4nf wrote

Some forms of housing can be dobe exactly this way, harvest the raw materials on site and process them to a solid building material right there. Take a look at the work of Nader Khalili, specifically Ceramic Houses . I've wanted to try one of his fired structures fir a long time, however the area I live in doesnt have the right ratio of energy:cement costs to make it all that economical. Might still do it just because.


grizgrin75 OP t1_iyask9n wrote

Dunno. But Fortiserve has a line in the EULA (or whatever its called ) that states that the check might get sent out before, on, or after the target date, and user is responsible for it.


grizgrin75 OP t1_iy9wbpk wrote

The bills were getting mailed late by the bank billpay service, or not sending them at all. After 18 years I guess I had got used to leaning on this crutch too much and not checking up on it enough. Turns out there is fine print in the billpay service agreement that the bills will basically go out whenever they feel like it, and the customer cannot do squat about it.


grizgrin75 t1_iw3qmjo wrote

I'll take your word for it. I merely presented these as some of the first instances of people gendering a class of things in their lives.

Also, as a semi-related side note, not all cultures that gender boats gender them female, which seems to drive the cultures that DO gender them female right up a tree. Kinda weird, but whatever.