gzlovesyou t1_j2ehvh5 wrote
Reply to comment by CmdrShepard831 in New York opens its first legal recreational marijuana dispensary by ElderBass
As competition grows the prices will drop though
gzlovesyou t1_j2aaxmm wrote
Reply to comment by method_men25 in New York opens its first legal recreational marijuana dispensary by ElderBass
There are sales on sales every day. Making it recreational will make more competiton. Better quality lower prices!
gzlovesyou t1_j2a3czy wrote
Reply to comment by HampleBisqum in New York opens its first legal recreational marijuana dispensary by ElderBass
Prices will drop down once it's legal
gzlovesyou t1_j2a02z2 wrote
What took so long?
gzlovesyou t1_ishzpmm wrote
Reply to comment by loztriforce in Smelling in VR environment possible with new gaming technology by geoxol
#Is something burning!?
gzlovesyou t1_iqpjbr6 wrote
Crack heads
gzlovesyou t1_j2ei5b9 wrote
Reply to comment by HampleBisqum in New York opens its first legal recreational marijuana dispensary by ElderBass
I had the same mind set as u. Then I seen the difference for myself