happygilmore001 t1_j43tc51 wrote
Reply to [D] Has ML become synonymous with AI? by Valachio
AI is powerpoint. ML is python.
when AI.ppt becomes viable in .py, we recategorize it back to ML.
happygilmore001 t1_j43qxls wrote
Reply to comment by LaravelWorkflow in [P] LatentWeb.ai - It's like the Internet is dreaming. by LaravelWorkflow
I'm not attacking you. I'm trying to prevent you from spending a good amount of your life, where you will burn many potential opportunity costs on a patently dumb idea that is not profitable.
As far as the prompt generation "Good luck with that", you are of course aware of the wide propagation of stable diffusion image generation prompt guides, right? right?
e.g., https://www.howtogeek.com/833169/how-to-write-an-awesome-stable-diffusion-prompt/
as an aside, your tone and tenor on this thread shows your egotistical fragility, lack of ability to take constructive criticism in stride, and outright hostility towards people who are trying to help you. these are not traits that any VC would want to see. They will google your domain and product name and find this.
happygilmore001 t1_j3yowkn wrote
Reply to comment by LaravelWorkflow in [P] LatentWeb.ai - It's like the Internet is dreaming. by LaravelWorkflow
>The average person doesn't understand prompts or prompt generation yet but they do know how to search for stuff.
The references provide plenty of resources and jumping off points. I'm sure it, or some similar resource will grow quite quickly.
happygilmore001 t1_j3yoolr wrote
Reply to comment by LaravelWorkflow in [P] LatentWeb.ai - It's like the Internet is dreaming. by LaravelWorkflow
Ouch. Hard pass. If you're advertising on reddit, you need the elevator pitch for reddit.
Do you own https://github.com/jbilcke/web4? If not this whole post should be deleted.
happygilmore001 t1_iyy5ic1 wrote
Reply to comment by TheTarkShark in Which Populations Feel Their Country is on the Wrong Track by RakAwasXxX
lots better after the train wreck of trumpism. He bragged about sexually assaulting women and somehow won.
happygilmore001 t1_j443i5m wrote
Reply to comment by LaravelWorkflow in [P] LatentWeb.ai - It's like the Internet is dreaming. by LaravelWorkflow
u/JimmyTheCrossEyedDog this is not ethical.