
hephaistos070 t1_j6m7vix wrote

Reading your story and the comments and I really don't get this. "finders keepers"?? In your own home/room? WHAT?? That is theft. clear and simple. You need to fight back!! But reading your replies I am sure you won't. I don't understand why. You are scared I guess. But that is not a reason not to fight. Go to the police, sell all his stuff, do something!! Or you will be pushed over by everyone for anything. Stand up for yourself girl! Good luck


hephaistos070 t1_ir0ktfi wrote

Try jokes that don't involve putting people down. They are funnier and you get to keep your friends, win-win! In the mean while: apologize to your friend. That means saying 'sorry. It wasn't funny. I didn't mean it. ' you said you told her it was meant 'neutral'? That's not a real apology. Try again. I hope it helps.