
holden118 t1_j19cq48 wrote

Once again more excuses. Just because you weren't raised right doesn't give you a free pass to whatever you want. Just because you might have had a hard time in life doesn't give you the permission to rob people. I was bullied every day in school since 4th grade. I don't take my shitty experience and use it as an excuse to rob/rape people.

Those kids know what they are doing, they should be tried as adults and live in a cell for a few years. Its the same reason we charge kids as adults when they murder someone. Kids aren't stupid and using those excuses just gives them an easy out.


holden118 t1_j18q7g7 wrote

You clearly dont understand that the kids now and days dont give a shit. Look at Milford Mill high school for a perfect example. Id argue that 90% of that school should fail every semester but they dont fail them because it looks bad when a title 1 school that is 98% aferican american fails almost all their kids. They have produced one Ivy league student in the last 10 years. Most of that school doestn go to college and the ones that do come back and always say that Milford did nothing to prepare them for college. These kids dont have accountability in school, they dont learn anything. My gf has been threatened by students parents because their little shit is failing school because their kid refuses to do anything.

Blaming brain development is just a excuse. My 11 and 7 year old kids know not to steal cars and rape people. Thats not going to change with they become 17. Its not a brain thing, its a how they were raised thing. You just dont want to admit for whatever reason.


holden118 t1_j18o0qj wrote

My partners bf went to jail twice for violent crimes and was released shortly after both times under Mosby's rule. He just recently did the same thing he did to my gf to a new girl and he went to jail for a month before being released again. Some of it is his parents money and the other part is he's white and pulls the I've changed card while manipulating everyone around him. Adam Cook is a garbage human being.

Mosby is shit and was too busy trying to get more money to buy beach houses with. Thank yall for voting her out.