
hope3601 t1_j043jjq wrote

I told my kids when they were little that they had an older brother. See my kids could not behave at dinner and it drove me insane. I have 4 children. So I told them one day that their older brother died in an accident . He couldn't behave while I was making frozen waffles for dinner and I threw one at him. It hit him in the head and he died. I was a sthm at the time and my husband worked 18 hr days. I never had a break. At the time it was the wrong thing to do but I was tired.

So anyways 20 years later my husband asked me about this old son of ours. I just laugh it off. He tells me it's not funny as the youngest hold asked him about his brother he wanted to know what he like. Little did I know that 20 years later he still remembered that story but he believed.