humorRus t1_jad5780 wrote
Reply to A married couple are driving home from a party one night, and they run over a badger.. by Response-Cheap
and the badger says please fart to cover the smell
humorRus t1_jabp20y wrote
Reply to A Muslim martyrs himself and upon death he arrives in Paradise to find his 72 virgins. by nwa747
So I guess Paradise is a basement in your parents home
humorRus t1_ja93gt7 wrote
The Alabama family tree is just a trunk with no branches
humorRus t1_ja83sy4 wrote
Reply to comment by rckchkhwk in An engineer dies and goes up to heaven. by MadisonPearGarden
or any state in-between those 2
humorRus t1_j9smdta wrote
Reply to comment by phroxenphyre in An Elderly Woman Gets Pulled Over For Speeding... by JonathanMackay
She is now 110 as the joke is 80 years old but still humorous
humorRus t1_j24mkxe wrote
oh shit - I think I heard this one before
humorRus t1_iy96xzt wrote
Reply to Donald Trump walks into a church by Awesomeuser90
Only time he was near a church he could not figure out which side of the Bible was right side up.
humorRus t1_je10us3 wrote
Reply to comment by Mysterious-Phrase637 in What’s 14 inches and hangs in front of an asshole? by Less_Geologist_4004
you think letting the crazies have a strong voice and spew hate etc that lead to Jan.6 is not a war?