
t1_jdx2h8x wrote

See, now I'm wondering if there's actually enough material to build something like this.

The combined mass of the asteroid belt is about 2*(10^(21)) kg. Let's say R is the radius of the sphere, and it's 1000m thick. The radius is much larger than the thickness, so we can estimate the volume at 1000*4*pi*R^(2). As for the density, Aluminum is about 2700 kg/m^(3), and Iron/Steel is about 8000 kg/m^(3), so let's just say 5000 for the argument's sake.

So the we have R = sqrt(2*10^(21) / 5000*4000*pi) ~ 5.6*10^(6) m according to WolframAlpha. That's the radius of the sphere we would be able to build with all of the asteroid belt combined.

For scale, the orbit of Mercury is 43,000,000 km in its closest point to the sun, and our sphere's radius is about 60,000 km.

So unless I got the math really wrong, I'd say constructing any sort of Dyson sphere that's solid, has 100% coverage, and is large enough that the Earth still has sunlight, would probably mean we would have to disassemble planets, and even that might not be enough, as the mass we need would increase proportionately to R^(2), and a lot of the mass in the solar system isn't useful.

For now, let's focus on fixing some potholes or something.


t1_jdpwcyx wrote

I had an abscess on my back. Went to a doctor who cut it open, drained it, and then put a bandage over it. When I came home I thought I'd need to change bandages at some point, and my wife was like "Why is your back bleeding?" and that's when I realized he never closed it up.

At first I freaked a bit, mostly because I never really expected my skin to just be able to open up like that with no pain. Went to a nurse clinic and they gave me some pads and instructions on how to clean it. As it was on my back, I couldn't really do it alone. If I wasn't living with anyone I don't know how I would have handled it. The doctor didn't even take a second to explain how to care for it after, tell me to go to the nurse's station or anything.

My brother saw it at some point and asked if I got stabbed. I was like "Yeah, but the guy was a doctor, and it happened in his office."


t1_j3nehua wrote

The main difference between Senior and Junior developers, is that Senior developers know what they're looking for on StackOverflow. Juniors are grasping in the dark.

The truth is, there's way too much to know in tech for anyone to really say they know everything. We all use these tools, and anyone who says they don't is a dirty liar.


t1_iy30ici wrote

>That day my world shattered

>We already planned a billiard night the next day and I didn't want to cancel on short notice

>We met again the day after because we had already bought tickets for the spa

Dude, wtf. Your world was shattered, but you kept meeting up with him repeatedly after?

>He mistook that as an invitation and told us he'd be happy to accompany us

Yeah, he didn't mistake anything. The best reply was "No, that's alright. We want some alone time :)". If your friend can't accept that you and your girlfriend need time alone, you need to seriously reconsider that friendship.

>J told me she was too tired to search for bed sheets and as her dad wouldn't allow someone to sleep on their couch, we should just sleep in one bed.

And that sounded reasonable to you? That you were doing it because her dad would prefer two men sleeping in her bed, one of which was nearly a stranger who was making unwanted physical contact towards her, to someone sleeping on the couch? And that she felt this was the right thing to do? And that in that sleeping arrangement she was sleeping in the middle between you guys?

>I did what everyone in that situation would do and kindly told him to fuck the hell off.

That is absolutely not what everyone in that situation would do.

>We decided to still take my best friend for the trip to one of the tourist attractions

Dude WHAT. Your friend has physical sexual contact with your girl, in your presence, you have a mental breakdown over it and argue through the night, and the next day you still bring him along? I'm struggling to imagine anyone doing that, honestly. The only plausible explanation I have is that you were paying for things and that's why they needed you there. It definitely sounds like you're the driver for your friend and his girl, not the other way around.

The next part was pretty damn dark, but I think you really have to understand that you were being absolutely blind to all the warning signs.

Stay in therapy, and don't say things "Don't trust anyone", because that wasn't the fuckup. The fuckup was burying your head in the sand and ignoring every red flag along the road until you fell off the damn cliff.


t1_iucntfz wrote

I remember hearing people tell me "The Holocaust was the best thing that ever happened to Jews. Now they have their own country. That wouldn't have happened without it." This opinion is just as moronic.

Jews are just people. Some of us are nice, some of us are assholes, a lot of us are idiots. Please stop trying to invent reasons why the few millions of us on the planet are somehow a threat to you.

Also, please leave Kanye alone. The man is not well. Making a huge news item about everything he says is pretty grotesque, sort of like videotaping a person with broken legs trying to walk and then making news articles about that. Stop pretending like this is a normal person with important opinions.

As someone with my own mental issues, I can tell you that the only person who can truly help Kanye is Kanye, and he has to understand that things aren't all right. As long as the media keeps stroking his ego to see what comes out of his mouth next, that's just not going to happen.