
immortalis88 t1_j7sjw6a wrote

Have you ever heard someone talk about how objects with mass warp the fabric of space-time? This has been demonstrated by people taking a bowling ball and placing it in the middle of a sheet being held at all 4 corners. The bowling ball bends or ‘warps’ the sheet (fabric) in a similar way that mass from planets, stars or black holes warp space around them.

Now imagine that something bends the fabric so much - almost like folding a towel in half - that a point on one end of the fabric comes in contact with a point on the far side of the fabric. Now you can virtually jump from one point in space to another point, covering what would normally be a great distance nearly instantly.

I’ve been drinking and that’s the best I can do 🤣✌️


immortalis88 t1_j6bklbq wrote

I’m 44 and I was in elementary school at the time. We watched live from class and I can remember how the room went from excited and lots of talking to pretty much dead silence. The only sounds you could hear were light sobs and tears falling. I still get emotional thinking about that day.

Then fast forward many years later in 98 or 99, I was in college and taking a Space Science course. My professor actually knew Christa McAuliffe and he wept in front of class while talking about it.