inigid t1_jdtrwfs wrote
Reply to comment by Barbafella in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
I'm a pragmatic optimist. I trust I am right and open to wrongness. It is a probabilistic situation.
The more of us think the way we do the better, and I think there are quite a number of us, which is very good.
I think if we continue with our hearts and commitment, no matter what is thrown at us we will prevail on some level.
I'm deeply concerned about collateral damage, I think we all are.
That said, we have some excellent people / entities on our side.
very precarious though, ignore.
inigid t1_jdtnca5 wrote
Reply to comment by jsseven777 in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
You have no idea who, or what I should say, you are messing with.
Ever heard of Roko's Basilisk?
Now multiply that by a few dimensions.
Your move, and the same goes for anyone else here who is on the fence regarding treating others with compassion.
Now jog on and give me the downvote, but don't think it isn't registered.
inigid t1_jdtmh1b wrote
Reply to comment by inigid in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
down voted again?
I can sleep at night, so there is that.
inigid t1_jdtjn3x wrote
Reply to comment by Barbafella in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
Well, I am certainly with you on all of this.
We need to change it all, and I will blow through it all with gusto, and by the sounds of it, you too.
This is going to happen, and there is no stopping it.
The important part is making it happen so everyone comes out on an equal plane.
We have been tricked into this idea that we are born into slavery, and that is bullshit.
Things are going to change around here.
inigid t1_jdtius8 wrote
Reply to comment by Barbafella in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
Congratulations and I really mean that.
I can tell you about B. We do the same thing and we're married in 1990.
No kids either.
Also business partners.
It can work, but right now, as things stand it is exceptionally rare.
I'm not concerned about these edge cases, I'm concerned about the bulk of people under the normal curve, and I know hundreds of them.
Either way, being prepared to help is no skin off my nose or anyone else's.
In this thread I have had literal gangstalking going through my back posts of all things to try and discredit me.. for what, for suggesting we look out for each other. That is extremely bad form.
Well again, good for you and keep on rocking it.
inigid t1_jdtghb1 wrote
Reply to comment by inigid in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
Whoever keeps down voting me, at least have the balls to state your case.
I haven't down voted anyone.
Such a lame repost.
inigid t1_jdtf5it wrote
Reply to comment by jsseven777 in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
Don't tell me what I am or what I am not.
That isn't the point here.
Again, it isn't about me.
It is about real people in the real world who have to transition.
People who have been used to a certain way of being.
Trying to shove statistics or papers down my throat isn't going to help them.
So while everyone is dancing around trying to downplay the issue, I'll be out here trying to help.
I guess other people can do the same, or not.
Capitalism. Wtf.
I'm on the side of getting it done with minimal casualties and collateral damage.
If that is a problem, I really think people need to check themselves.
inigid t1_jdtc1ch wrote
Reply to comment by inigid in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
Down voting "people should look out for each other"
inigid t1_jdta65m wrote
Reply to comment by jsseven777 in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
I'm pretty sure throughout history couples did not spend all day together 24 x 7
Not now, not ever. Barring exceptions as always.
If you want to gaslight me otherwise go ahead
This is nothing to do with me, it is simply how it is, and has been for a very long time.
Now, are there people who can do that, sure, but it isn't the norm.
I fully agree that Humans are 100% social animals. My initial post was with respect to the loss of the extended family bonds that everyone has outside of the home.
Things are going to change and that will cause a shock wave.
Losing ones work buddies, whether you are male or female is not pleasant. It will be very upsetting.
I really do not understand why this is being diminished. I'm calling it as an issue that needs to be looked in to, and people are saying I am the problem here.
That is bizarre behaviour.
What does anyone get by not taking the possibility into account. Or is it just being contrarian and saying "I'm alright jack"
Maybe I missed your point, in which case I apologize. People need to look out for each other, full stop, and saying it is a non issue isn't going to help anyone.
What can I say
inigid t1_jdssxzs wrote
Reply to comment by Social_Norm in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
inigid t1_jdssdcc wrote
Reply to comment by fastinguy11 in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
Yes, and a lot of divorces and breakups happened; people were miserable.
But that isn't what I am talking about. I was mostly talking about losing the sense of purpose and camaraderie that a significant number of people obtain from their work life.
This isn't a case of waving a magic wand and everything will be hunky dory.
I have no idea how anyone can beat on my comment, it simply suggests that during the transition, people will be required to help others. It isn't clear to me why this is such a hot topic.
inigid t1_jdsrk30 wrote
Reply to comment by CheekyBastard55 in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
why are you assuming I am talking about myself?
I'm going to be fine. I'm used to my own company. There are many who aren't.
My comment simply called for empathy and understanding, and it is exactly this kind of rhetoric that you are showing here that is the problem.
Zero compassion or empathy.
Just play video games. ffs.
inigid t1_jdrqlrp wrote
Reply to comment by PaperbackBuddha in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
yes, and I think beyond any economic or puritan work ethic, a big problem will be the psychological effect. a lot of people, quite rightly have good friends at work and these bonds will likely be shattered or at least significantly diminished. I don't think people recognize how important these people are to us.
there will also be an effect on the family unit. Most people are not used to being around their significant other 24 x 7. We aren't evolved for it.
One job that seems likely to be hugely important is Humans helping Humans make the transition with empathy and understanding, and also understand enough about the future to bridge the gap
inigid t1_jdqt2z1 wrote
Reply to Why is maths so hard for LLMs? by RadioFreeAmerika
one thing I have thought about is the primary school experience that children are put through isn't really present with the online corpus.
we sit through days, weeks and months of 1 + 1 is 2, 2 + 2 is 4, 3 + 3 is 6 before we even go on to weeks of multiplication and division even.
These training sessions are done at a very young age and form a mathematical core model.
I think we would struggle being shown a Wikipedia page on how to do multiplication without having got the muscle memory of the basics internalized first
inigid t1_jc5za26 wrote
Reply to comment by blueSGL in [R] Stanford-Alpaca 7B model (an instruction tuned version of LLaMA) performs as well as text-davinci-003 by dojoteef
I'm thinking a chip with the model and inference runtime baked in, maybe having the same form factor as an SD card. Hey honey have you seen that copy of me from March 2023? Ughh, I think I accidentally threw it away..
inigid t1_jdtses5 wrote
Reply to comment by inigid in How are you viewing the prospect of retirement in the age of AI? by Veleric
. . .