
insofarincogneato t1_ja92q8e wrote

Maybe, but the law is enough for my very conservative father to put off getting his medical card. They stopped prescribing the only pain medicine that somewhat helped because it's an opioid and the illegal weed he's been buying is the only thing that helps. Medical card or not, they need to stop considering weed users a prohibited person on the 4473.... So now he's breaking two federal laws so that the government doesn't know he wants to own guns and use weed to treat his chronic pain.

So, I'll take it🤷


insofarincogneato t1_ja2nox6 wrote

I want to stress again that I'm not implying anything, I'm talking about common situations that may reasonably happen which would offer a logical explanation in place of a hypothesis that isn't based on fact or common practices about a hidden malicious agenda.

Tin foil hat moment though if you like, but if they did use it to cut costs and make the product, or other inferior products illegally that could lead to cross contamination, would you necessarily be aware that that's the case? What does regulation, inspection and enforcement look like in the industry?🤔

Potassium cyanide is used commercially for printing, dyeing, metal cleaning, and electroplating. As well as other uses that probably aren't relevant here... all reasonable jobs one might expect in a production facility.

Johnson and Johnson makes a lot of stuff, from pharmaceuticals to medical instruments. I think that if folks couldn't think of a reason why that compound would be there they either aren't trying hard enough or have a bit of bias to look past.

The J&J case is extra sus when we remember other suits brought up against them, specifically the asbestos contaminated talc that was found in their baby powder which everyone knew about.


insofarincogneato t1_j9zqw5a wrote

Nope, I never said a day off was an endorsement of religion, I said a state sponsored holiday is an endorsement. The day off for SOME folks is a result of that sponsorship. The only reference to a day off I made was after that point were I said your boss probably isn't giving you a day off for it. That's why I want to know why you and l assume state holidays are just a day off👍

Even if I did say that, (and I didn't)... it DOES endorse a religion if it doesn't do the same for others.

If your going to keep implying I said something I didn't we have nothing to talk about here. 🤷

Why don't you move on with this conversation and express your reason for why giving specific religion's holidays days off but not every other belief isn't a violation of the establishment clause if you actually want to debate in good faith?


insofarincogneato t1_j9zcycu wrote

That would require a lot of trustworthy product to be made with a lot of money earned just to throw it away to make a little bit of untrustworthy product without the group being greedy and maintaining profits. It also requires running a tight enough ship to have zero info-sec issues. The organization and backing for that from a bunch of small groups working together would have to be colossal. You believe the likelihood of that?

Anyway, unsafe products from major corporations leave the factory all the time because of negligence. Recalls only happen when there's been a government mandate or that get too much bad publicity.

Why would a large corporation allow folks to hurt their bottom line otherwise? We have a long history of large businesses shutting down lobbying and advocacy groups.

I'm not saying it isn't a conspiracy, I'm saying there's other more common explanations.


insofarincogneato t1_j9z6vv0 wrote

I've yet to see prolific gun rights organizations support change in this law because they are Republican backed and the party has an anti weed stance. Going against their Republican donors would be suicide.

Maybe until it's legal across the board we should be convincing republican lobbying groups disguised as gun rights groups to actually advocate for freedom.

The GOP doesn't have a monopoly on gun ownership, make groups like the NRA more appealing🤷


insofarincogneato t1_j9xlc6w wrote

Sure, I'm sure there's plenty of solutions that don't allow the state to endorse a religion. The real problem is that they could never make every important religious holiday a state holiday, so by focusing on certain ones they are establishing certain religions over others which is what makes it unconstitutional.

Something like you suggested may be a valid solution except it is discriminatory against minority religions that don't have many participants in our state. I think that's why to be safe, it's best that the state doesn't endorse any religious holidays at all, and we should instead focus on changing attendance policies in schools and in the work place that allow folks time off for religious purposes.

Just to add context, your criteria of 1% of our state's population of 12.97 million is still over 120,000 folks. That's a lot of people who's religious beliefs wouldn't be validated. Sometimes I think when we think of a population percentage, it's easy to dehumanize folks and obfuscate a number of folks by using statistics... Think of how some folks treated the CDC reported 18.2 percent of folks who died from covid. 🤷

We can figure out how to limit or regulate that in a way that's fair for everyone so religious folks don't get more time off than none religious. It may look like a policy that doesn't involve religion at all, but personal free time in general.

I don't want to say force companies to offer payed personal days out loud but....I think we should fight for payed personal days and time off from school. 🤷Work from home and remote learning is doing a lot to make it easier to stay productive, let's use it.

What other benefits do State holidays give us?


insofarincogneato t1_j9vi20r wrote

I love the inclusion and respect for minority beliefs in Pennsylvania, seemingly on a at least somewhat bipartisan level... However, the state isn't supposed to sponsor religious holidays in the first place. This violates the establishment clause. And yes Christians, so does Christmas.

Also, I'm sorry to disappoint but I don't think this means everyone of your bosses are going to give you a payed day off. 😅


insofarincogneato t1_j9qdc07 wrote

Yup, they've got a monopoly on the area because they lobby to keep their infrastructure the only option to use around here. It doesn't matter that they're terrible because there's no other option.

Companies like T-Mobile get around that by using hotspots and cell towers but that's only gonna work if there's land available to compete with!


insofarincogneato t1_j945r19 wrote

Who the hell is attacking and punishing you? What, are people mean on the Internet?

Yeah... prisoners shouldn't be the workforce and that's not a good argument at all.

The state doesn't sponsor abortion, folks just want the state to get between women and their doctor when it comes to healthcare.

Also, fetuses don't have personhood.

Fucking, next. Weak


insofarincogneato t1_j92d9l4 wrote

Your only written argument is legality as if that gives weight to morality and your faith based belief is irrelevant because it doesn't give you the right to infringe on others beliefs.

Also, fetuses aren't "children". They do not have personhood.

Your religious beliefs are political propaganda and there are no holy texts that says anything about the personhood of fetuses. Not that you've actually read it.

Fucking. Next.