
ipakookapi t1_iuk8fp6 wrote

Corprate personality 'physchology' is a load of shit.

They use it to try to shape up an office without paying for walls so people can actually concenterate on the work.

If your boss demands you work in the office when you are more productive at home, it means you doing work at the office you're not paid for.


ipakookapi t1_iuk5jtw wrote

Shortest possible answer, I can elaborate after dinner:

The EU vote for Sweden was in 1995. Most of the left was against it, because we didn't want 'free' market capitalism to control our lives.

We preferred a more local economy. Not because we hate brown people, but because we could, and should, make what we needed locally. With control, workers' rights, and shorter transports.

Now, the people who wants to exist the EU does so not because they object to economic expöoitatiom, but because 1488..

Edits: autocorrect


ipakookapi t1_iujym90 wrote


It is a real medical term for people with ptsd, going back to Vietnam war veterans. Or WWI, if you include 'shell shock'.

.It does not mean 'slightly uncomfortable'.

I don't think posting trigger warnings is bad at all, and I know trauma is trauma - abuse or war. It's just really overused to the point where noone takes it seriously any more.

If I'm bloggning and someone asks me to tag 'tw:toast' because they have toaster trauma, I would. The GDPR 'we taken your cookies' is way more annoying.


ipakookapi t1_iu1xudl wrote

The Berlin Diaries and A Single Man by Christopher Isherwood.

The first is written from Weimar Berlin just as the nazis are taking over, and about how people in every day life is reacting to that. The movie Cabaret is based on it, but in the original it's a gay man befriending a sex worker, not a straight romance. Same thing as
Breakfast At Tiffanys.

The other is about a middle aged gay man mounrning his passed partner, reading Ruskin conservative art history on the toilet and yelling at kids to get of his lawn. It was made into a very sexy and pretty good film by fashion designer Tom Ford, but the vibe is very different, and as a grumpy middle aged queer, I prefer the book.

His characters are more real than plenty of people I have met in real life.