
ishipbrutasha t1_isxhd16 wrote

So, you went on to get a masters in a whole other discipline that had nothing to do with the course you were taking? And in, well, nursing. What does that have to do with the price of beef? If you had told me you went to get a masters in AI/machine learning/data science that would give your opinion a little more credence.

You curiously haven't said anything about the teacher's shortcoming as an educator, only that you were out of your depth in the class.

I have degrees (plural) from elite institutions. Guess I was the only one who learned to rise to a challenge from them.


ishipbrutasha t1_isuldg8 wrote

>i took a graduate integrated cognitive psych class in the dark ages when you had to type in an exact web address to go anywhere on the internet

You took a graduate level class and were surprised by the work?

And a 400-level class is the end of undergrad study. And if it were a graduate course like you say, it was probably a hybrid 400/600 level course.

So you took a class that you were unprepared for and are blaming the teacher? That's odd. No wonder people are leaving the academy.


ishipbrutasha t1_isbxl8p wrote

>sometimes that kind of story is actually just "professor is so bad at teaching that the majority of the class fails the exam because the professor didn't properly prepare them".

When is this story every that?

Been teaching nearly two decades. My incoming university students couldn't handle the 9th grade curriculum from when I was in high school.

I've never had a colleague who was so poor a teacher the majority wound up failing due to their poor instruction. And I've disliked a fair number of my colleagues, but not enough to levy that criticism. There's a good number of "research" professors out there who may be ill-at-ease in a classroom, but I thought my first university students were poorly prepared NCLBers. I'd kill for those students now.