
iterable t1_jdt3wp8 wrote

Talking about pollution most forget many of the factories here use to burn and dump chemicals right into the ground. I use to do water testing for a college program and it does slowly work it's way into the water ways of the city. Some gets pumped out. I love the fancy restaurants that are sitting on top of chemical dumps.


iterable t1_jcv3zzf wrote

Reply to comment by Flat_Construction395 in Rent Hike by sbenzing100

But Worcester had to have s stadium that no one at least I know cares about. I doubt home owners even showed up to the city council meeting to debate the cost. But in the end the renters take the hit due to apathy in local politics. I also heard a rumor that it may get a lot worse. Seeing a number of city employees leaving before the news drops.


iterable t1_jcidgbx wrote

Reply to comment by Suspicious-Engineer7 in Rent Hike by sbenzing100

Yup and then if they cant find a tenant the landlords will then apply to make the apartments section 8. But to my knowledge they have no control over who the apartment gets rented to. Also heard horror stories from some on that wishing they had kept the good renters.


iterable t1_jci5n2j wrote

Reply to Rent Hike by sbenzing100

Gentrification is massive issue in the city. My company has lost employees who have been unable to find affordable housing. I am currently also in the same boat. Even if you are shown to be a great long term renter most landlords right now are willing to take a risk and double or triple prices. They are gambling on getting people from Boston area willing to commute. But I know first hand this is not working out. In the end many apartments are sitting vacant. Either way I heard that they are looking into passing new rent control laws. NPR says its a statewide issue geting worse. *EDIT write your local and state officials. Tell them how long you have been a renter and where you have lived. Most will actually read your letters. Let them know what is happening and we need action sooner than latter.


iterable t1_j8squyq wrote

Lack in public transit and even walking in the city can be a issue. No dedicated bike lanes. Lack of food access most of the city is labeled as a food desert. Where most have to go way further then needed to find a grocery store. Massive gentrification. I have seen first hand those who grad from Worcester try to travel near hour every day each way. Because they can't get a proper one bed room apartment. Then leave after six months finding something closer to home.


iterable t1_isyjjnu wrote

Saw one take off from airport or attempt to land. Pull up landing gear then drop it again. Don't know if just training or what but my pets are flipping the fuck out.