
j1j2h1h2 t1_ivkryxq wrote

This is very well said — it sounds like you speak from experience. One of my children is on the spectrum and while I can't (and shouldn't) even attempt to speak for him, I think he would find your words and this example to be very relatable. And in the same way he sometimes struggles to have compassion for others, he also deserves that same level of understanding. If not more.


j1j2h1h2 t1_ivi5qrm wrote

You can’t be a coward and have autism because that’s impossible. Every day, you live in a neurotypical world where so much doesn’t make sense or feels unnatural to you. That takes guts — that’s bold. Remember that the next time you feel like you’re lame. This would be the equivalent of somebody dropping me in the middle of Germany (I don’t speak German) in the year 2075. You’re amazing, so please remember that. But also, stop lying. It’s bad for your soul. You’re already aware of this, though, so you’re off to a good start.