
jae343 t1_jdvutnm wrote

Why don't they just focus on spending that capital money on upgrading all the lines to CBTC and maintain the current system or replace all the old rolling stock with new more-modern cars before trying to force more new extension projects, there is already a cascade of issues to resolve.


jae343 t1_jctsn1p wrote

Packaging is better but quality depends on if you know what you're doing. Hmart has a lot more plastic which obviously is great for visuals but not for the sea turtles. I personally avoid buying produce and fresh stuff there because of the prices, although sometimea comparing prices to veggies in Chinatown some are actually reasonable.


jae343 t1_jctiscu wrote

Hmart prices for many items are a few dollars or 25% more compared to even in Manhattan Chinatown so it's fine if you can afford it especially the meats and seafood.

Being East Asian I still definitely go occasionally if I really need certain items at a moment's notice but other than that I get better deals ordering from Hmart delivery and Asian grocery apps.


jae343 t1_jbejjv7 wrote

Reply to comment by k1lk1 in The Leaning Tower of New York City by geoxol

This is more of a developer cutting costs and not listening to engineers unfortunately, the client always wins if they want to save a few million. This is the same developer that owns the very nice Olympia condo in DUMBO right next to the BK bridge.


jae343 t1_jadlu01 wrote

Because inflation and demand, my house was worth $300k in 2000 now it's close to a million. My neighborhood isn't wealthy at all but it attracts working class families that can afford decent mortgages.

And to answer your question if I'm a real estate agent or not why does that matter...? But no I'm not. Although but I understand the absolutely stupid bureaucracy to get things done in this city, the technical feasibility in terms of construction, design, code, finances, etc more than your average person.