
james_burdiglio t1_j6pk10u wrote

> I’m not going to go by the government numbers.

Good, you shouldn't go by any numbers other than ones you've verified yourself.

>If the government weatherman tells me it’s sunny outside and I look out the window and it’s raining I am going to take an umbrella.

That would be true of ANY weatherman, government or not.

> If the kindergarten school teacher leaves the classroom and passes out pixie sticks and soda pop and then leaves the classroom and comes back and the kindergartners have wrecked the place who do you blame?

Anyone who is responsible over kids and leaves them, teacher or parent, would be to blame. Legally at least.


I think you're just absolutely regarded, OP. Plain and simple. You've proven it. The government told me that you are. Because holy shit.


james_burdiglio t1_iujxpf6 wrote

It's okay, Europoorbros. I'll take a vacation next summer to help stimulate your economy. Hopefully there will be loads of hookers and coke to do.