james_hamilton1234 t1_iui5sqc wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainC0medy in Iran, Sadaf Movahedi a 17-years-old teenage student dies after being hit by police baton by sirbarani
> A single hit isn't a beating. That said no idea if it was 1 hit or 100
This would be the hot take - I'm curious, where is the part about you saying form the title you couldn't tell? Or was that the later comment where you were telling us you didn't read the article ...
james_hamilton1234 t1_iuhugi9 wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainC0medy in Iran, Sadaf Movahedi a 17-years-old teenage student dies after being hit by police baton by sirbarani
Which you didn't bother to do before jumping in with your hot take and then getting mad when you get called a dumbass for it
james_hamilton1234 t1_iuhkvtv wrote
Reply to comment by CaptainC0medy in Iran, Sadaf Movahedi a 17-years-old teenage student dies after being hit by police baton by sirbarani
Meh not really. It's not like you had to search through a newspaper to find the article, it was right there. One click. Much work I'm sure ......
Also just to be clear, you're saying you just read a headline and run with it so if the headline is disingenuous or contains misinformation, that is simply all the information you gathered on the topic before running with it? This is literally how misinformation is spread.
You could have gotten away with the stupid comment if it wasn't for us meddling informed readers (Scooby doo reference - I'd post a wikipedia link but ... Well you're not gonna click on it are you)
james_hamilton1234 t1_j78mcgf wrote
Reply to comment by macross1984 in From £130M to £1M: Brexit causes collapse in research funding by XaltotunTheUndead
The idiots who pushed it through are the ones surprised, everyone managed to figure out that it wouldn't be great