
jefgoldblumpkin t1_iw4b9a2 wrote

Are one or two random internet strangers on Reddit qualified or capable of determining the individual and collective housing and happiness needs of a complex and changing society? No, no they are not.

Is it pretentious and condescending to ask rhetorical questions in an open forum and then provide the answer yourself eliminating even the semblance of an actual discussion or debate? Yes, it is both pretentious and annoying.

Have a nice day and enjoy your career in housing and development as well as your dedicated philanthropy efforts towards underdeveloped nations. Clearly you are an expert and totally unselfish, if only we could all be more like you, random noble enraged internet person ;)


jefgoldblumpkin t1_iw3pv7w wrote

Building more affordable reasonably sized housing would solve many problems but no one should be forced to live in a space that doesn’t meet their basic needs. The right sized housing will look different for families, individuals with physical disabilities, single people with pets etc.

This is a zoning issue though and not an issue of lifestyle creep or spoiled first world countries necessarily.

Older houses tend to be smaller whereas now everyone wants to make huge homes and luxury apartment complexes to maximize profits and property values.

I know lots of people that would love a tiny home but even those are cost prohibitive in the current economy. Housing is becoming a crisis and skyrocketing homelessness is the likely result unless we work together to address the true underlying causes.


jefgoldblumpkin t1_iw00x9y wrote

The suffering Olympics don’t really benefit making real progress towards class consciousness globally they just cause us to have petty arguments with each other.

While access to reasonable housing is not as bad in relative terms as not having safe drinking water both bode ill for the future of humanity as a whole and both need addressed and not swept under the rug. We can be upset/outraged at more than one thing at a time and hold different levels of outrage for each and this is not a conflict of values or hypocrisy it’s just the complex nature of human suffering and reality