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kelldricked t1_iw499mn wrote

I completly agree with you. Nobody should have to live in a place that doesnt fit their basic needs. So what basic needs does a single person have? Does a single person need a house with multiple bedrooms? No they dont. Having a second one is already plenty.

A bathroom, kitchen, livingroom and bedroom is plenty. And how big every room should be? Well enough to support a few guest but you dont need the room for 6+ people pernemant.

The larger your house, the more energy you require. The more polution you create. Its not fair that we all live in big ass houses and that people in underdeveloped nations cant due the same shit due to climate restrictions.


jefgoldblumpkin t1_iw4b9a2 wrote

Are one or two random internet strangers on Reddit qualified or capable of determining the individual and collective housing and happiness needs of a complex and changing society? No, no they are not.

Is it pretentious and condescending to ask rhetorical questions in an open forum and then provide the answer yourself eliminating even the semblance of an actual discussion or debate? Yes, it is both pretentious and annoying.

Have a nice day and enjoy your career in housing and development as well as your dedicated philanthropy efforts towards underdeveloped nations. Clearly you are an expert and totally unselfish, if only we could all be more like you, random noble enraged internet person ;)