jesset77 t1_iyald09 wrote
Reply to comment by Stenthal in Rolls-Royce successfully tests hydrogen-powered jet engine by je97
>Generally weight is the bottleneck for aircraft, not volume. If we could trade weight for volume, we'd just make fatter planes.
We already tried this though, Blimps have not been terribly successful. Especially the ones kept in the sky via hydrogen. 😋
jesset77 t1_ivvxsen wrote
Reply to comment by DerekB52 in Prominent Iranian actor removes mandatory headscarf in defiant protest by dutchgypsy
If they were so smart they would have punished the murderers who sparked the entire controversy instead of doubling down and stoking the fire.
jesset77 t1_ivvxbb5 wrote
Reply to comment by LessOrgies in Prominent Iranian actor removes mandatory headscarf in defiant protest by dutchgypsy
With religion.
jesset77 t1_ivpz4wc wrote
Reply to comment by MECHA_DRONE_PRIME in US woman detained by Saudi officials after saying she has been trapped there since 2019 by hugglenugget
But, but muh patriarchy. 🙄
jesset77 t1_iujy29r wrote
Reply to comment by AudibleNod in Pentagon attributes UFO sightings to spies or airborne trash by AudibleNod
>“In many cases, observed phenomena are classified as ‘unidentified’ simply because sensors were not able to collect enough information to make a positive attribution,” Gough told the Times about cameras, radar and other devices that collect information.
jesset77 t1_iqyvm8l wrote
Reply to comment by TowelPuzzleheaded665 in North Korea launches missile 'believed' to fly over Japan by electromagneticpost
So's the flu. Doesn't mean they aren't weaker compared to if we let more people trade arms with them or whatev ;)
jesset77 t1_iyarhb7 wrote
Reply to comment by HaViNgT in 5 Connecticut police officers charged after Black man left paralyzed following ride in police van by AudibleNod
Not get watched