
t1_jao3giw wrote

Bypassed medical and health technologies that are safer and more effective then those in current use in our medical system. Topics include therapeutic devices utilizing electricity, magnetism, color and sound frequencies. Rare documents concerning the Royal R. Rife Microscope; the Rife microscope was one of the world's most powerful microscopes, which was built in the 1930s; Dr. Bjorn Nordenstrom shrinking breast cancer tumors using electricity; Dinshah Ghadiali and Spectrochrome color therapy; George Lakhovsky and his Multiple Wave Oscillator; Dr. George Crile and radiogens; Dr. Harold Saxton Burr and L-Fields; Strophanthin-G; Diapulse machine that was validated by more than twenty U.S. universities to accelerate wound healing more than twice normal speed and many more subjects.



t1_jan7vgk wrote

Use AI to compute and plan the dissemination and implementation of UFO technology so that it replaces energy generation locally, while making use of 3D printing in all manufacturing, and then use that premise to calculate how to further that to create equality and abundance for all of humanity. Create an action plan for implementation.


t1_j7hwyx8 wrote

I used to think there was a future. We were told of flying cars. We were promised an easier life. We were promised advances in society, that would make life easier... for EVERYONE.

In my over 50 years it the same old BS over and over, reimagined as new. Nothing has changed at all. New technologies? nope. just fancier versions of what we already had. Even television is just rehashed old themes redone with nice window dressing.

There is no future for us. Until we realize we have to cooperate together to bring it by reimagining every system we currently use. EVERY ONE.

Competition isn't working as the cheapest most inexpensive solution isn't an answer, as provided by capitalistic competition.

And people are too dumb to even realize it because they're too busy trying to stay alive on this stress drenched globe.

On purpose, because it easily could be very different. Any ONE BILLIONAIR could fix things in a day, but won't.

Where is Batman? /lol


t1_j4rzh9i wrote

Technology of abundance will either bring us together as a one-species, or it will destroy us. This is why UAP is kept in secret rooms by defense contractors. They don't know how to use it without opening the door to limitless power and abundance, which will ruin our scarcity based capitalistic society.

But It Won't Be Long. It can't be kept secret forever, and they're in a panic about it.


t1_iryhhtf wrote

So, contrary to popular thinking, we're programmed to COOPERATE before birth.

The "it's a dog eat dog world" professors can just suck it.

This world would be such a nicer place if we all looked out for everyone instead of just looking out for ourselves as we're programmed.