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jimihughes t1_iryhhtf wrote

So, contrary to popular thinking, we're programmed to COOPERATE before birth.

The "it's a dog eat dog world" professors can just suck it.

This world would be such a nicer place if we all looked out for everyone instead of just looking out for ourselves as we're programmed.


PerniciousCanidae t1_iryoef3 wrote

I get that it's rhetorical, but I think it's worth pointing out that sperm, of course, don't have brains or nerves of any kind. They're "cooperating" by getting stuck together unintentionally (because zygotes have a purpose, but not intentions of their own)


WhileNotLurking t1_iryl3pi wrote

That or bovine are heard animals from before birth. You would need to replicate this in non-herd / non-pack / non-social creatures to validate that hypothesis


InappropriateTA t1_irymqx8 wrote

Herd. I mean, they’re also heard if they make noise and someone is close enough to hear them…


Strazdas1 t1_is0a6cq wrote

They dont cooperate though. they literally ride other spermatozoids to save energy for their own run. If you call spermatozoids being programmed then they are programmed to benefit from the toil of others.


100kpm_matrice t1_is0lycx wrote

The problem is literally "prisoner's dilemna" you gonna be better by being selfsish IF everyone else cooperate with you.
If they don't, you gonna have a worse time than if you were cooperating with them.