
justhrowmeawaydamnit OP t1_iy6hnc8 wrote

Thanks for this. It literally feels like I am just now settling in and getting used to everything because I’ve only been here a year, and it’s a pain in the ass to do apartment hunting, so I am 70% leaning into just biting the bullet and pay the increase tbh I’m planning to call tomorrow to set up an appointment for negotiating lower if possible though since the receptionist said the manager was open to it


justhrowmeawaydamnit OP t1_iy6ccf6 wrote

I don’t work in NYC so trans is not too important to me….I am planning to talk to management about perhaps negotiating the 16 month lease price lower though. For the most part, I enjoy the beacon mainly because of the underground parking, views of NYC, and gated community


justhrowmeawaydamnit OP t1_iy6aiyr wrote

This is my thoughts. I have my own car and beacon is pretty close to downtown anyway by driving. I just got a super sweet deal during the pandemic, but it seems now that everything is going back to normal, the price for my kind of studio is also normalized for next year too. I’m also too lazy to look for a new apartment at the moment