kaffefe t1_ivpqjz4 wrote
Reply to comment by Badassinternetguy in RTX 4080 GPUs Are Just as Large as RTX 4090s | Size will still be a problem with the GeForce RTX 4080 by chrisdh79
Probably not, no. And who wants a huge PC, r/sffpc all the way.
kaffefe t1_iuj1eg7 wrote
Why is this an article? He posted on r/sffpc..
kaffefe t1_iu69vmt wrote
Reply to comment by Yoconn in Automakers are going all-in on gaming to keep us in our cars by Test19s
I don't wanna drive to work
kaffefe t1_itfufph wrote
Reply to comment by bronet in [Homemade] Svenska Köttbullar (Swedish Meatballs) with mashed potatoes, steamed broccolini, brown gravy, and cranberry sauce. by Dani-in-berlin
Det gällde lingonen, men visst, pressgurka är i princip lika väletablerat. Jag har inte "skiftat" alls, men du är lite trögfattad. Googla "köttbullar med potatismos" och klicka på "Bilder". Den enda som förtvivlat försöker byta ämne är du.
kaffefe t1_itftcty wrote
Reply to comment by bronet in [Homemade] Svenska Köttbullar (Swedish Meatballs) with mashed potatoes, steamed broccolini, brown gravy, and cranberry sauce. by Dani-in-berlin
Du behöver google i ditt liv. Eller ett restaurangbesök.
kaffefe t1_itb97hq wrote
Reply to comment by bronet in [Homemade] Svenska Köttbullar (Swedish Meatballs) with mashed potatoes, steamed broccolini, brown gravy, and cranberry sauce. by Dani-in-berlin
Det har inget att göra med klassiskern iaf. Många har väl barn eller broccoli-rester i frysen dock.
kaffefe t1_it8hqb3 wrote
Reply to comment by BeerSushiBikes in [Homemade] Svenska Köttbullar (Swedish Meatballs) with mashed potatoes, steamed broccolini, brown gravy, and cranberry sauce. by Dani-in-berlin
Yes, like the entirety of Sweden. Also, no broccoli, pressed or pickled cucumber.
kaffefe t1_it8hh4i wrote
Reply to comment by MinceMann in [Homemade] Svenska Köttbullar (Swedish Meatballs) with mashed potatoes, steamed broccolini, brown gravy, and cranberry sauce. by Dani-in-berlin
Looks great except "they can be fried": uh no, they can't.
kaffefe t1_it8h594 wrote
Reply to comment by Kvartersalkis in [Homemade] Svenska Köttbullar (Swedish Meatballs) with mashed potatoes, steamed broccolini, brown gravy, and cranberry sauce. by Dani-in-berlin
All IKEAs have it.
kaffefe t1_it8h2sw wrote
Reply to comment by automatvapen in [Homemade] Svenska Köttbullar (Swedish Meatballs) with mashed potatoes, steamed broccolini, brown gravy, and cranberry sauce. by Dani-in-berlin
And the broccoli thingy for pickled (pressed?) cucumber. 2/4.
kaffefe t1_iqrcrtx wrote
Reply to comment by kmtrp in AI will reach human intelligence, not imitate it by Defiant_Swann
I think it needs to be said. Reddit is clueless.
kaffefe t1_iqolyhv wrote
Reply to comment by Capt_morgan72 in T-Embed is a programmable, battery powered WiFi controller for IoT with display and rotary encoder by giuliomagnifico
On an "embedded systems news" site, yes 100%.
kaffefe t1_iqoggt8 wrote
Reply to comment by kmtrp in AI will reach human intelligence, not imitate it by Defiant_Swann
Not in Hollywood!
kaffefe t1_iqog97j wrote
Reply to comment by ledow in AI will reach human intelligence, not imitate it by Defiant_Swann
You're describing inference as some magical thing with "no information", but inference is all about information.
kaffefe t1_iqo3si3 wrote
Reply to comment by Capt_morgan72 in T-Embed is a programmable, battery powered WiFi controller for IoT with display and rotary encoder by giuliomagnifico
Which one, IoT? It's a pretty well-recognized acronym.
kaffefe t1_ivpuywr wrote
Reply to comment by HomeIsElsweyr in RTX 4080 GPUs Are Just as Large as RTX 4090s | Size will still be a problem with the GeForce RTX 4080 by chrisdh79
Is that 57 liters or is my math off? Mine is 8.2L. Sure I like mine small but 57 is...big.