
kelzbeano t1_j2bysmf wrote

I briefly worked as an assessor in the county and houses being assessed at sale price was uncommon. It won’t hurt to appeal. We used a computer system that increased the value based on updates entered into the system. For instance, adding a full bath would increase the value, but the computer calculated the increase. Perhaps the City is trying to generate revenue by matching assessments to sale prices.


kelzbeano t1_iym7nvs wrote

I would have much preferred if the recall and term limit amendments was a grassroots campaign and not from corporate interests that use their media platform to constantly rile citizens up. Then go “see this is why we need these reforms.” Does Sinclair Broadcasting really care about Baltimore city or its own interests and biases?

Again, not a fan of Mosby but I didn’t care about the pension issue. With term limits, it seemed inevitable. They’re going to have to tackle the issue of future members not receiving a pension at some time.