kenwongart t1_iwyv3zq wrote
Reply to Experts Grow New 3D-Printed Nose On Woman's Arm After She Lost Hers To Cancer by Several_Cabinet_9725
Hey that’s kind of like the man who had a penis attached to his arm for six years.
kenwongart t1_iugxbj9 wrote
Reply to comment by IMovedYourCheese in ELI5 Why are airport ceiling so high? by TrShry
The London Underground would like a word
kenwongart t1_iro3c0r wrote
Reply to comment by PixelGMS in [OC] Percent of human moves matching computer recommended moves in top chess tournaments by Evidently_21
Nah, you’re not an idiot! It’s a bit of a weird diagram.
kenwongart t1_irnbnzs wrote
Reply to comment by PixelGMS in [OC] Percent of human moves matching computer recommended moves in top chess tournaments by Evidently_21
No, they shouldn’t add up to 100%.
Grey is what % of moves in the beginning of the game match the computer. Gold is the same for mid/end game. If players played exactly how a computer would, both grey and gold would be 100%.
Green is for all moves, so it’s going to be somewhere in between, but closer to gold (as grey only counts moves 5-15, and gold is for every move after, and there are usually more than 25 moves in a chess game).
kenwongart t1_jaf14pl wrote
Reply to comment by Sometimes_Stutters in Chicago man arrested twice in one day for breaking into cars — while on electronic monitoring for breaking into cars by Pathetian
Yes but has he crashed planes seven times in seven days in four states?