killerhurtalot t1_j6lnu5b wrote
Reply to comment by xxWolfMan1313xx in Playing Golden Eye at a bar with my friends, life is beautiful. by DarwinismObvious
how do you turn that off on the n64 controller with one stick and z button lol.
the controls on the N64 were just trash...
killerhurtalot t1_j6lf4db wrote
Reply to comment by AC_Unit200 in Playing Golden Eye at a bar with my friends, life is beautiful. by DarwinismObvious
The xbox/switch one felt so much easier to me with the way better frame rates and actually modern twin stick shooter controls
Fuck the entire no aim until you press the bumpers to aim thing and walking with the c buttons instead of the stick...
killerhurtalot t1_j6l8e03 wrote
Reply to comment by Infinite-Outcome-591 in Millions of computer chips from Dutch manufacturers wound up in Russia: Report by the01crow
Just a feature of capitalism and greed.
killerhurtalot t1_j6l86of wrote
Reply to comment by maakera007 in Millions of computer chips from Dutch manufacturers wound up in Russia: Report by the01crow
There isn't. It's just a feature of capitalism. You can spend money to bypass a lot of inconveniences.
killerhurtalot t1_j6l7l06 wrote
Reply to comment by Flatus_Diabolic in Millions of computer chips from Dutch manufacturers wound up in Russia: Report by the01crow
Sounds like greed to me. That's just a feature of capitalism...
When you have the resources of nation states, you can easily make shell companies to buy whatever you want.
Just look at how the US bought most of the titanium used for the SR71 blackbird from Russia lol.
killerhurtalot t1_ixp53gv wrote
Reply to comment by LuangPrabangisinLaos in Amazon workers in the U.S. and 30 other countries plan Black Friday protests by AmethystOrator
Man... if you get hired in October, you're can 100% be a seasonal worker... The 1 month lead up is literally training for the massive shitshow that is the holdiays...
killerhurtalot t1_jbrmqev wrote
Reply to comment by FlatSystem3121 in TIL in 2007 a Ford Fusion that was modified to run on hydrogen fuel cells set the land speed record for fuel cell ground vehicles with a speed of 207.297 mph by Texas_Rockets
If people believe that, there's definitely a camry on the grid of nascar races 🤣