
kingdazy t1_jalfmus wrote

I only smoke pot at night, when I'm watching a show like this, and getting ready to crash.

I'm pretty certain that's the only thing giving me the ability to "enjoy" it.

I especially love how the "engineers" in "engineering" are all in greasy clothes and looking like they just stepped out of a submarine movie.

Even the basic premise of a complete lack of crew redundancy, and putting all the important ones in the same area? Unbelievable as a basic concept.

But I could not stop laughing at the new twist they just threw in last week, that she's a clone. And her clone is murderous. Good god. The writers are high as fuck. I swear they're trolling us.


kingdazy t1_jal6m35 wrote

I fucking died laughing at episode... 2? 3? Where "oh no! we're going to hit an asteroid!" was the premise of the episode? Fucking hilarious. How completely fucking idiotic and unrealistic, even for a bad scifi show.


kingdazy t1_jal5pez wrote

I'm absolutely watching it, because it's unintentionally funny as fuck

It also seems like it's a 2 decade old throwback. This show would seem totally normal as a 90s era scifi show, and probably would do ok in the ratings.


kingdazy t1_j7c2gft wrote

If you've never seen it, and are ok with it not really answering all of the questions it poses, Lost is a great binge. It's way better if you go into it blind. It's a fun watch.


kingdazy t1_j65zg7b wrote

While I am rarely able to enjoy an argento/giallo styled film all the way through, all of my cinematography/director/film buddies love that shit. (though, I do love Lady Vengeance, and generally South Korean cinema)

But! As far as a well framed, long, still shot goes? I can totally get that. As an example: one of my favorite parts of one of my favorite films is the chapter breaks in Breaking The Waves by Lars Von Trier, done as a counterpoint to the Dogme 95-handheld style of the rest of the film. Quiet, still, expansive, landscapes, slight movement in the weather. Yum.

But again, I can also appreciate a long, uncut shot of action. Long single takes (esp moving from one environment to another, the more the better) are an art form of their own.


kingdazy t1_j65uvha wrote

To be fair, I was surprised at it's high ratings, because it's really not "prestige TV" or anything. It is low budget, and you're right about handheld stuff not being something a lot of people like. I think it might have been literal TWD Fatigue Syndrome. "Holy fuck, a zombie show that has, get this, lots of zombies and not mostly talking!"

And yeah, the cinematography style is not for everyone. I can relate to wanting quiet, still, expansive shots with depth. There was nothing still or quiet in the whole show. But if memory serves me, it's packed with long single takes of action, which tickles me in a completely different way.


kingdazy t1_j65mboz wrote

this show is fucking dope. feels like the spiritual successor to 28 days later.

the walking dead became a total shitfest with episodes like daryl fixing a bike and carol catching a rat while making soup -- absolute garbage. seasons centered around faction vs faction conflicts. tons of filler, boring interpersonal dramas, corny character development expositions. the show isn't even about zombies or surviving the apocalypse anymore, and i'm not sure it ever was. I regularly found myself FFing through whole minutes of dialog at a time, and missing nothing.

this show is absolutely NOT trying to be that. this is a far more realistic and personalized approach to the zombie apocalypse concept, focusing primarily on the survival aspect instead of facilitating mediocre dramas.

the cinematography is phenomenal. some really great long takes. writing is excellent, especially notably in some long sequences without dialogue that still manage to be intensely suspenseful and entertaining.

the acting is superb (in most places), and this is especially noticeable with the korean girl. we're not given any real subtitles for her dialogue, which in itself is a bold move. this forces her character to communicate with tone of voice, body language, and emotional responses. as a result youre given an experience similar to how the other characters (who dont speak her language) interact with her. i absolutely love this idea.

the editing is great, i love the thematic "chapters" each episode is divided into. it gives them a format allowing better jumps between characters and sequences without it being especially jarring.


kingdazy t1_j5l7f39 wrote

I saw you mention in another comment that vape/e-cigs are "less harmful" than smoking? Did I get that right? Can you provide me verifiable information on this? I've smoked on and off for years, and frankly of all the addictions I've quit in my life, nicotine is the hardest. I've been sceptical of vape, because of its relative newness. But the times that I turned to vape, it definitely made my lungs feel "better", relatively to smoking.

If I was confident in its safety, I would definitely return to it as an alternative.


kingdazy t1_j4sovbr wrote

You're not wrong.

I mean, on the most surface level, it's exactly that genre. But that would be like saying Game of Thrones is just a show about dragons and swords. Shows and video games surrounding those genres are definitely not new.

What made the game, and hopefully this series, different is the approach, not the setting.

It's a story about relationships and choices, ones where moral black and white doesn't exist. Where your perspective can make you the good or bad guy. Where the choices a person makes doesn't easily define them as such, where you are forced to see things from different perspectives. (esp TLoU2)

Most TV forcefeeds you this on a spoon. These are the bad guys! They do bad things! These are the good guys! Everything they do is right! While TLoU makes it obvious that things are not so cut and dry. I really hope the show captures that aspect of the games.