
kitncandy t1_j9o2mcc wrote

So do any of you actually have kids? Cause this free lunch program isn’t exactly just that. In order to actually receive the free lunch you must fill out an application to do so, even if you already receive free lunch through any state supplement program, you still need to fill the form out or you will not be eligible. Also this will be adding several more families to the snap program as it states that they will evaluate each submitted form and then determine if you can receive additional SNAP benefits even if you never qualified for SNAP before. The one thing this email Gail to tell parents is an important one….SNAP may be recovered by the state, paid back in full if family comes into an inheritance or large sum of money, lotto etc. I was on snap for a couple and year cause I was struggling and then a friend told me about this so I called and asked if this was true and the SNAP customer assistance confirmed this. I received around 5,000 a year in SNAp benefits at the time, I dropped the program immediately as I didn’t want to be on the hook for paying back the state for assistance. This is a very important piece of information that this letter has left out.
