kushNation141 t1_iy42gl5 wrote
Reply to Jersey City Based Crypto Lender BlockFi Files for Bankruptcy as FTX Fallout Spreads by usom
Crypto is a suckers game.
kushNation141 t1_iy3uagz wrote
Reply to comment by jerseycityfrankie in What are some of the tastiest vegetarian restaurants in town? Which would you bring a visiting vegetarian person to in order to show off our cuisine? by jerseycityfrankie
Sapthagiri Taste Of India
Vegan AF
look those up see if any work for you.
kushNation141 t1_iy3qxqz wrote
Reply to What are some of the tastiest vegetarian restaurants in town? Which would you bring a visiting vegetarian person to in order to show off our cuisine? by jerseycityfrankie
majority of the amazing indian places by JSQ,
kushNation141 t1_iy0p2i7 wrote
Reply to How to make the bus stop by toastmaven
too many people just randomly hang out in some of the bus awnings / shelters. so drivers got tired of stopping and no one getting on. if you want to get on the bus you need to motion to them so they know you are not just loitering
kushNation141 t1_iy0orvo wrote
Reply to Cannabis dispensaries good for JC but not all neighborhood seeing the same activity. by Maleficent-Baby-1926
so i guess its bad when a business want to open where they think they will make the most return on investment?
kushNation141 t1_ixu50ed wrote
Reply to comment by BromioKalen in Package Thief POS in Hamilton Park. by Whole-Campaign89
No. but at least im high.... whats your excuse?
kushNation141 t1_ixu4yk9 wrote
Reply to Package Thief POS in Hamilton Park. by Whole-Campaign89
Well now its up to the community to fix this problem.
kushNation141 t1_ixqvuc0 wrote
Reply to comment by mathfacts in Is Newport mall gonna be crazy today or is that not a thing anymore by mooseLimbsCatLicks
as they run out the store.......
kushNation141 t1_ixqpbz2 wrote
Reply to comment by whybother5000 in Is Newport mall gonna be crazy today or is that not a thing anymore by mooseLimbsCatLicks
yes. 3 to 2 odds as of this morning....
and yes.
kushNation141 t1_ixaq89m wrote
thats how it usually works. you have a month security which equals 1 month rent. as rent goes up you have to top off the security account
kushNation141 t1_iw866p4 wrote
Reply to Best places to get free furniture by jklapow-rsa
next door , craigslist, facebook...
kushNation141 t1_iw2mhbg wrote
Reply to comment by Jazzlike_Drawer7174 in Jeez. Duplex penthouse at Beacon with 2300 sqft patio for 2.5 million. I feel like this is a reasonable price for what you get. by mooseLimbsCatLicks
So is the other Hague Building @ 2600 JFK
kushNation141 t1_ivppbcw wrote
Reply to comment by squee_bastard in Someone dumped all the metal chairs and tables on the riverside outside smorgasbar into the river. by lemniscate_8
look around. really good video out there of the pr!ck doing it recently...
kushNation141 t1_ivk3u0d wrote
Reply to comment by isnelsanon in How should parents weigh BOE candidates? by R_At1antis
if you are not an investor then why do you own multiple properties?
kushNation141 t1_ivh763m wrote
Reply to Cardiologist by No-Practice-8038
dr kohan or dr baruchin are both very excellent heart docs.
I do not know if they are affiliated with either but they are both in JC, can look em up and see what their deal is.
kushNation141 t1_iv4svh2 wrote
The transplants have spoken....
kushNation141 t1_iuwo2vd wrote
Reply to Increased security and police activity by Nura10
Too many little sh!ts running around acting ignorant
kushNation141 t1_iurjp9a wrote
Reply to In case you were wondering what those small bottles of water filled with orange gatorade littering our sidewalks were by spypol
Uber / Lyft Drivers as well.
kushNation141 t1_iuqguv1 wrote
Reply to comment by HappyArtichoke7729 in Mean/unstable lady at JSQ path station. by ozzyman07
Agreed. I get spit on someones gonna lose a mouth full of teeth.
kushNation141 t1_iuhanpz wrote
keep believing religion is for people.......its for rulers to control the people!
kushNation141 t1_iuh7ztk wrote
Reply to comment by Ilanaspax in What’s going on with Amy? by sadlunchesaresad
Major Flop is only interested in his summer home and becoming gov. Remember that when its time to vote for someone for JC.
kushNation141 t1_iuf0lje wrote
kushNation141 t1_iudt3er wrote
Reply to Where are all the bikes? by International_Pin262
Under Amy's tires........
kushNation141 t1_iu0vbms wrote
Reply to comment by dasuberblonde in When will anyone enforce riding in the street? by dorkishj
the bottom line is the JCPA and the NJPD are useless.
kushNation141 t1_iy43hb1 wrote
Reply to BlockFi (JC registered company) Bankrupt by driftingwood2018
Crypto is a sucker's game.