
laser50 t1_jdxdrb3 wrote

Let's be fair being a true genius is super rare, being very smart is rare, being 'just' intelligent is less rare...

But the other portion of stupid still knows how to use reddit and the internet, and they do.

I do wonder which categories the comments mostly came from, where you post also says a lot about someone as well.

I some times feel like reddit has lost its ability to simply debate and discuss over argue, but I suppose that's happening everywhere


laser50 t1_issv0il wrote

All you really have in the world is time, time well spent or time spent being lazy with yourself is still time spent on you. People often wish their life to be a fulfilling Experience, and everyone at their end will say they wish they would have done a thousand things more, but this world doesn't work on freedom and getting the most out of those 70-80 years. We work on working mostly to make the next guy richer.

If we didn't need money we probably wouldn't be working shit jobs, be more creative in both 'employment' and hobbies, but that's a given I suppose.