
t1_jae1ad3 wrote

Liz has every right to not want to continue the friendship. If she had romantic feelings for you (secret or not) being friends with you may be painful for her, so the best course of action for her own mental health would be to end the friendship.

I understand what you did is 100% normal in your culture, but it's unrealistic for you to be living in a different culture and expect them to be completely understanding of your home culture.


t1_ja7dqlj wrote

It may have something to do with uncanny valley theory

"The uncanny valley metaphor suggests that a human appearance or behavior can make an artificial figure seem more familiar for viewers — but only up to a point. The sense of viewer familiarity drops sharply into the uncanny valley once the artificial figure tries but fails to mimic a realistic human."

So if they make it look too good but it's not 100%perfect it will look more awkward and make people uncomfortable


t1_j6j8hks wrote

I had to read it at least twice for school, but I think it was one of the few books I was forced to read that I actually liked. We also had to watch the movie version with Gary Sinese and John Malkovich.

One year we did a unit on banned books and had to write an essay arguing why they shouldn't be banned. Apparently some schools banned Of Mice and Men because they thought it promoted a lazy, anti-work attitude.