
lcbomber t1_j6jyawy wrote

Good info, thank you for that, kind local!

And on your point of privacy, I do agree, and so do others, which is why more privacy focused blockchains like Monero exist. Just some food for thought, not trying to shill XMR, I’ve honestly never had any or tried to get any yet. But it’s out there.


lcbomber t1_j6f3mej wrote

Not sure I follow, because Colorado already started accepting Bitcoin for tax payments, so that’s gotta be possible. Plus the blockchain ledger can tell them exactly what’s happened in someone’s account, more transparent than cash. Gov could collect and hodl the bitcoin or sell it off when it’s sent to them.


lcbomber t1_j6f2bjv wrote

Throughout all of it in the past 2 years, I will admit I’ve been a bit too lazy to keep track very well after 100’s of trades and transactions. Probably about even, because I lend crypto for payouts. It takes a LOT of learning, but it’s possible.


lcbomber t1_j6ey6bv wrote

Lol, one that’s going to be worth something? You’re saying that as they all become “worth something” right now. Bitcoin, ETH, Matic, BNB, so many more, all up 10’s, 100’s of percent from inception. Because people are using them.


lcbomber t1_j6exko9 wrote

Absolutely, it is risky, but so is trusting our politicians in my opinion and lifetime. Absolutely never invest more than you can afford to lose because any asset can become valueless should people stop valuing it. At the end of the day though, crypto is math, dollars are promises.


lcbomber t1_j6eubf8 wrote

Understandable. So it’s already low, you must just not be expecting it to come back up, which is fair. I, however, do for a variety of reasons :) and I’m willing to wait and see what happens.

I’m young, I’ve got time to be wrong. But if I’m right, I’ll have time to golf.


lcbomber t1_j6ethdn wrote

^ people really don’t understand the fact that fiat currency is just money based on faith. It’s like religion for money. Nothing supports the dollar other than promises, and we’ve seen how often those get broken.
