
lionheart4life t1_je88iqu wrote

While I agree, it means too much to the countries that only have a couple athletes competing or rarely medal. But when I'm watching I really could not care less if the US wins another 50 golds or a dozen more swimming medals, etc. Be fine with just letting athletes compete and if you want to mention where they are from that's fine too but not pretend that an entire country is a "team."


lionheart4life t1_j6io5go wrote

Honestly just putting all their money in an index fund is unironically the best thing they could do. Or they can spend 30 hours a week trying to get within 0.5% of what the index fund would do anyway.


lionheart4life t1_j379d5b wrote

We'll see, they don't have the greatest track record for actually getting safe and effective products to market. Kinda got lucky to be in the right place at the right time with the right shareholders in positions of power to get the COVID vaccine out.

But they have burned a lot of investor money on nothing for decades prior.