lividimp t1_itufs1n wrote
Should have waited until you could get it half off.
lividimp t1_itfzne7 wrote
Reply to [LPT] Don't like youtube's frontpage algorithm? You can pick the frontpage category 'New to you'. by niv141
It's only better when YT goes into one of its repeating phases where it keeps serving up the same news stories from five months ago because that's what the math in the algorithm is adding up to for some stupid reason.
But I have noticed the "new to you" serves up a lot more of the lowest common denominator trash videos. The kind of shit you see on a new account before you get your tendencies set in the algorithm. Lots of "you'll never believe" and "top ten" titles and thumbnails with red circles.
Still, I end up using it a lot on Sunday nights since no one uploads on the weekends and there is less to pick from.
lividimp t1_iwffkcd wrote
Reply to refrigerators repurposed as planters by 00DAloop
If those go missing in the middle of the night, might want to check for tracks leading back to Russia.