lloydthelloyd t1_jdedn8r wrote
Reply to comment by GrandPriapus in Bravery medals for women who raced into 'rough, crazy' surf to save drowning girls by Sariel007
Slow and steady, mate. Slow and steady.
lloydthelloyd t1_jded7ny wrote
Reply to comment by c4seyj0nes in Bravery medals for women who raced into 'rough, crazy' surf to save drowning girls by Sariel007
They used a cooler lid. That website will include a term if its been used more than twice in all of human history.
lloydthelloyd t1_jcxj1ra wrote
Reply to comment by DinosRoar in Spain passes law against domestic animal abuse by [deleted]
You're an idiot if you think that sort of absolutism is going to convince anyone
lloydthelloyd t1_ivecx1d wrote
Reply to comment by Prasiatko in We know about viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms evolving to better infect other organisms. Consequently, diseases change too to some extent. Are there any examples of human bodies evolving to fight against these disease causing agents? by ha_ha_ha_ha_hah
And recently a gene linked to arthritis has been found to possibly be more prevalent because it fended off bubonic plague...
lloydthelloyd t1_jdedr05 wrote
Reply to comment by Dorocche in Bravery medals for women who raced into 'rough, crazy' surf to save drowning girls by Sariel007
Because the 'women' are children.