
lrube t1_j2a83r4 wrote

Please go read the ACHD rules and regulations. You are thinking of a citizens suit under the clean air act. Criminal fines can be filed but they are actually not as high. And again it doesn’t matter because US Steel appeals everything. They appeal new permits, their fines, regulation changes etc. Go look at the ACHD Dockets. Cases are years old. US steel has a lot of money to fight the appeals.


lrube t1_j29trwl wrote

I left the ACHD recently. A big problem is the county does not pay well. The air quality department has some of the most qualified and educated people in the county but they aren’t getting any support from the county. They are understaffed and underpaid. A lot of people have left after the pandemic because we don’t have any hybrid options and other govt agencies do and pay better. US steel ties up a lot of the department in litigation and appeals. But the department is still very transparent. And as I said on the previous thread Allegheny County has stricter air quality regs than the rest of the state.

If you’re seriously interested start attending Air Quality Advisory Meetings which are public meetings. Actually go and look at proposed reg changes on the county website. Attend public hearings.


lrube t1_j0xkp0m wrote

No the laws are landlord friendly. The rent withholding act in PA requires the apartment be classified as unhabitable by the proper jurisdiction and the renter must make valid payments into an escrow account. The landlord has SIX MONTHS to repair it. While the renter keeps paying and living there. If after 6 months it’s fixed the money goes to the landlord. Even if it took all 6 months.