Inter-dimensional travel is something I can easily suspend my disbelief for, simply because the universe as we know it is so vast and uncharted. I know zilch about astrophysics and really zilch about most other physics in general. But nature is comprised of some pretty surprising things. I guess the adage of ‘we don’t know what we don’t know’ comes to mind. Either that or I’m just ignorant and easily convinced, haha
lunchypoo222 t1_j8h3jbz wrote
Reply to comment by InternationalCut2610 in As Mystery Objects Get Shot Down, U.S. Sets Up New Task Force on UFOs by Nicolas-matteo
Inter-dimensional travel is something I can easily suspend my disbelief for, simply because the universe as we know it is so vast and uncharted. I know zilch about astrophysics and really zilch about most other physics in general. But nature is comprised of some pretty surprising things. I guess the adage of ‘we don’t know what we don’t know’ comes to mind. Either that or I’m just ignorant and easily convinced, haha