
lynx_and_nutmeg t1_jdqfyuf wrote

The risk of hormonal contraceptives shouldn't be measured against the risks of pregnancy, this would imply that you only have two choices, either taking hormonal contraceptives or getting pregnant. The risks should be measured against using condoms... They're the "default" birth control because they don't have any internal effects.


lynx_and_nutmeg t1_jdhu5i3 wrote

Claire even offered to give her an abortion if she wanted to (a DIY one but I mean she literally managed to perform complex surgeries and singlehandedly invented penicillin, so by the show's logic it would have worked and been perfectly safe) but Brianna refused because abortion is bad I guess 🤷‍♀️

And, yeah, she could have at least gone back to the 20th century so she could give birth without a massive risk of death, but nope.


lynx_and_nutmeg t1_jc6d4e9 wrote

A lot of women themselves don't believe their pain is abnormal, though. Women are raised with the idea what periods are meant to be extremely painful and it's just a fact of life. Especially if their mothers, sisters or friends have debilitating periods as well, and that's their only point of reference so of course they assume this must be normal.

I still remember how shocked I was when my periods went from moderately painful to completely painless after a few months of whole food diet. I had no idea it was even possible to have a painless period. (Granted, I definitely did not have endometriosis which is a whole other animal and unlikely to get better without treatment).


lynx_and_nutmeg t1_jawao5d wrote

What is it with Redditors on this sub constantly refusing to believe that maintaining basic biological functions is crucial to your health just so they can drop the bUt wHaT If iTs aCtUallY jUst a CorrElAtIoN?? and get to feel clever without having any education or understanding in scientific research?

Sleep is very important to health. Your body needs it, it literally can't survive without it for more than a few days. Sleep repairs cellular damage, regenerates your cells and regulates your hormone and neurotransmitter levels, and consolidates your memories. Not getting enough sleep wreak havoc on your whole body in myriad of ways. This isn't even a contested topic anymore, it's not up for a debate, it's a fact. Just because sick people tend to get less sleep doesn't mean it's only a correlation and not getting enough sleep doesn't also ruin your health on its own.


lynx_and_nutmeg t1_j203f5s wrote

Tons of people are addicted to reading, and it can definitely feel impossible to put an engrossing book down. And sexual content can feel addictive in any form... Just because you're more of a visual person and can't imagine written porn being equally absorbing doesn't mean it can't be that way for some people. Well-written smut feels a lot more addictive to me than visual porn.