
majrBuzzkill t1_j1nx329 wrote

Depends on how much you intend to travel for the duration.

The usual charlie card charges are

Bus: $1.70

T Line: $2.40

If you transfer from Bus to T you get charged the difference.

T to Bus you don't get charged at all if it's not an Express bus.

When I lived in Boston I did not go for the monthly pass because I did not take public transport often and would walk or take a Blue bike instead. I used to put $24 on it, which would mean 10 rides on the T.

In order to recoup the $90 a month- you'd need to use it 38 times- that is 19 days of travel back and forth.

As u/wandererArkhamknight said- if it's more than 10 trips per week, look into weekly pass which will save you a couple of bucks.

The calculation is yours to make.


majrBuzzkill t1_irs8t0r wrote

That's a fair critique for most earbuds.

But this person is using headphones currently. If they had an issue lying on their side with headphones, they wouldn't be looking for headphones again. No matter how big earbuds are, they're almost guaranteed to be smaller than headphones.


majrBuzzkill t1_irpyyxj wrote

I would suggest upping your budget a bit and getting a good pair of wireless earbuds or headphones.

I get it, it's a big investment. But with wired headphones, you'll be back to listening on one ear sometime in the future. Most of the time one side goes out, it is because the wire frayed inside the outer casing after days or weeks or friction. You avoid this friction with wireless earphones/headphones.

I had a set of wired headphones that I loved, but I spent $25 every 4-5 months replacing them after one side stopped working.

I upped my budget to $75, got a pair of wireless headphones from a well known manufacturer that specializes in audio quality, and I am going on 2 years on those. The audio call quality is far better than my previous headphones, and they're still going strong.