
mangomochamuffin t1_jb454jn wrote

I did not ask or even imply that i wanted a link to a 'fix'. So why even send one in the first place. Thats rude, thanks. You don't even know if i already have support, psychological help or whatever.

Anxiety is much more than 'six simple fixes'. You are a very insensitive person.


mangomochamuffin t1_j9swcak wrote

Repost. Just doing it a bit different since any link is a crosspost for the lovely automod. If you dont waht to play with this link, its like 15 posts down on the sub if sorted by new. Probably higher when sorted on top or hot.



mangomochamuffin t1_j4sxenk wrote

Things like 'dont stand still, always be productive, you can rest when you are dead' are more hurtful than motivating. Not everyone is in perfect health. Some people here need a simple 'be proud that you got out of bed today' and 'a year has passed without you practising a good habit' is demoralising for them.


mangomochamuffin t1_j4p655h wrote

Why is standing still bad? Sometimes you need to stand still to oversee where you want/need to go next.

And sometimes something unforseen happens that forces you to stay still. Like surgery and long recovery.

Its okay to take a break. Rest is not a reward.


mangomochamuffin t1_j2de53g wrote

I tried to deal with my depression this year. The only thing i accomplished was quitting my meds because it was too much effort to call the doctors office for a refill every month.

Well, i think i can say getting an unpaid job (not volunteer) was also a good thing. Even as 2 days a week and 2,5 hours a day. I put that down to 1 day a week since i moved to a new rental house in november, which took so much energy that i needed a break.

Next year is going to be a waste year. Im having a very heavy surgery (getting a permanent small intestine stoma, for which they have to open my whole stomach) around late january, early february, and i will have a long recovery time. I ordered a laptop because while in bed/on the couch i wont be able to play games, work on my books/writing, or watch series/movies on my pc.

I dont have plans for after that. Im just going to focus on learning to live with my new body and accepting how i will look with a bag on my body. I bet no guy wants to share a night with me anymore (:


mangomochamuffin t1_j28ee78 wrote

Edit because i looked at both pictures again. The clouds are the exact same in both pictures, except for the shadows around them. The 'close up' reddit one is darker shadowed than the twitter one. The color over some objects also changed, the mountain in the back is not purple in the twitpic and the red cloud on the middle to right of the reddit one is not as red in the twitter photo.

Looks like the clouds havent moved while you were setting up the camera for the second picture.