
marcosbowser t1_jd6ny6g wrote

Great! Me too. Next favourite albums of theirs are Separation Sunday and Almost Killed Me (actually that’s their three earliest albums now). Story is the lead guy was in a post-punk kinda band and listened to The Band and thought “why don’t people just play straight ahead good rock n roll anymore?” And started this band… so good


marcosbowser t1_j5k67oz wrote

I hope this isn’t too for off topic but your comment made me think of this remarkable video immediately. I’ve posted it in other subreddits related to the Ukraine war with lots of positive response. It is an amazing example of how the culture and history of a place can mold an entire population and should make us look at our own unspoken preconceptions and how they might have come about based simply on where we were born and raised.

The video isn’t short, but it is super interesting. Finnish Intelligence Officer on the Russian mindset from a Strategic Culture point of view. Why is Putin doing this? Why do so many Russians support him? How does he get away with the lies? (different kinds of lies in Russian culture etc) Where do oligarchs and religion and history fit into it all. If you watch it, enjoy.