
megarooski3 t1_jeek020 wrote

Thank you!

We were able to get a meeting with a CPA yesterday for today, so hoping someone can make sense of this. I know each person's situation is different, but i can say friends/colleagues of mine that are also making around the close to the same range as me and not claiming allowances/or further withholdings are not having this issue But thank you so much for all your help, these have been really helpful comments.


megarooski3 t1_jeeiml4 wrote

Thank you! Yes, I'm meeting with a CPA this morning. When I was promoted about a year and a half ago I started making this range, I was not previously. Between getting married, buying a home, and job changes, I just haven't gotten around to it, but now I'm payin' tha piper so to speak.


megarooski3 t1_jeeh2z5 wrote

My total base salary is $152k, and my total commission (what I make if I hit 100% if my plan) is an additional $101k. I am paid bi-monthly, 1st pay check is salary only, 2nd paycheck is salary+commission for the pay period.

I am claiming nothing on my W4s, so withholding nothing.
