
t1_iuje561 wrote

Apparently it does have a blood pressure measurment, "based on pulse wave velocity (PWV) method to estimate systolic and diastolic blood pressure".

>For accurate blood pressure readings, Samsung recommends that a calibration is required every four weeks with an arm cuff and blood pressure monitor, so be prepared to buy one of these to get the most out of tracking blood pressure on the Galaxy Watch. Users should also measure their blood pressure while at rest and not during a workout.

People have different experiences about the accuracy: https://eu.community.samsung.com/t5/wearables/blood-pressure-reliability-amp-accuracy/td-p/2925769

Anyway, OP might find this an interesting lead to follow.


t1_iuif9ck wrote

Smart watches don't do blood pressure monitoring currently as far as I aware. There is a bunch of Chinese crap that will happily make up a number for you, but it's all crap. I suspect, it's just not something you can do based on optical sensors.

I looked around, but the only product that seems to be working, and you can actually buy is this: https://aktiia.com/uk/blood-pressure-monitor


t1_iuhd0wr wrote

You can downvote as much as you want, he is currently right. Salt/graphene/iron/solid-state batteries will be great, once we can produce them at the quantity we need them. Annual installations grew, but rare metal prices have also skyrocketed and mining capacity is becoming a bottle neck.

I haven't seen any credible time-scale for storage scaling up to make solar/wind viable or cheap apart from peak hours.

We can hope this will change in next couple of decades. Currently germany is burning coal (and wood) after a decade and billions of investment in renewables.