
mintccicecream t1_iti1aji wrote

Thank you for this! It is definitely something my husband and I will consider before locking in a home. My husband and I also went to public school all our lives. I went on to a public university and am now at Yale for grad and my husband went on to a private university. I definitely understand where you are coming from and we do want our children to be well rounded and genuine individuals. You bring a very important perspective to the table, so thank you so much for that!


mintccicecream t1_ithvavs wrote

I was considering the regular private schools as boarding school appears to be a little intense from the info I have gathered. Would you recommend a public elementary/middle school, possibly in Fairfield County, before switching to private for high school? I am leaning towards that pathway at the moment, but I’m sure you have more insight into the public school system as an administrator.


mintccicecream t1_ithutge wrote

Thank you! That sounds like a great plan. Private schools seem to be around 40-50k+ for Connecticut, or at least the ones I was looking at, so that makes a lot of sense. I would want my children to be well educated with cultural exposure just as you are, but I’m thinking that maybe a public high school in Fairfield County is the way to go for now. Thanks again and best of luck to your daughter!


mintccicecream t1_ithca4y wrote

Thank you! I personally went to a school in the south that is well known for sports but not really education. I’m now in grad school at Yale and the difference in the way the entire university is run and the culture is very obvious. I’m not trying to be pretentious or anything, but my husband and I had to claw our way up from nothing and I’m hoping to provide all the resources that we can for our future kids.

Thank you again for your insight!


mintccicecream t1_ith6e3w wrote

Both of your comments are great takes! To be frank, I feel that I am well connected considering my parents weren’t and I worked my way up(although you don’t know what you don’t know so I’m 100% sure there are much better connections out there). For now, I think it would be better to invest in extracurriculars and spend quality time with my future kids/guide them academically to ensure that they become good people. I think I would honestly be embarrassed to be the poorest parent at a private school, but maybe my opinion will change later.

Thank you so much for your insight!


mintccicecream t1_itgsx09 wrote

Thank you!! This was really insightful. My husband and I both attended public school and are now doing well for ourselves. Was wondering if private schools would make a significant difference, but this answered my question for sure. I’m thinking we will end up investing in a home in a good town with a good school district instead of shelling out money for private. Thanks so much!