
mojoegojoe t1_ja81nwa wrote

It's crazy how political structure such as this has such ramifications throughout the whole environment. He didn't even reach the class he was getting sued for-

"After the trial, he admitted to reporter William Kinsey Hutchinson "I didn't violate the law,"[8] explaining that he had skipped the evolution lesson and that his lawyers had coached his students to go on the stand;"


mojoegojoe t1_j9n5dk3 wrote

Not necessarily, just that that's the interface at which they would act iif that were the case. But by definition its not what we can currently examine - it's what our model of physics defines elementary by the energy mass defintion.


mojoegojoe t1_j9l8hi3 wrote

Right but the probability is based on the observer structure within the universal set, which could mean 'observation' within the probably include variances outside the universal set by some nonenergy defined process


mojoegojoe t1_j86nu1a wrote

Exactly. What I suspect, that AI will help us vastly with data aggregation.

As these sample sets grow so to will the insite we have about how these conditions are formed. As such I believe we will alter our definition of these structures to include all the abstract interactions that go into the individual expressing the gene. We will gain better understanding as to the not so obvious, the more nunoncied structures that manufacture these symtomes like anxiety and environment.